Monday, 21 September 2015

minority report shot-by-shot analysis

medium close up shot. (MCS)
The medium close up shot allows the audience to see the facial expression of the police officers that shows that he is angry and detanmand but also unhappy because he dosent want top arrest his friend.  and also the background. this shots background shows the audience just police officers. This shot tells us that the police officer is after tom cruise and he is trying to get away.this shot increase tension between the audience. 
wide shot/established shot(WS/ES)
the wide/established shot introduces the audience to the location. it tells the audience that the hero(tom cruise) is trying to get away from the police officer and he reaches to this place. 

                                                               close up shot(CS)
the close up shot allows the audience to see the main hero face. it also allows the audience to see the emotional reaction of the character. the hero(tom cruise) looks a bit scared, the audience starts to build sympathy with the hero and get to know him a more. 

bullying in school

the first shot is a long shot that shows the audience where the scene is happening and it also shows a girl sitting alone in a far distance .
we can see a person walking towards the girl siting in the corner in shot 2.
this is a medium shot of the bullyer, on the second shot we can see the bully pointing towards the girl.
the girl is scared of her because she knows that she be bullied by her,this makes the girl look weak and powerless.  extreme shot
this is a over-the-shoulder  shot where they both get up and the bully looks very angry.
the 6 shot  is a close up shot, it shows the bully strangling the girl. 

the girl foes and sites down 

she startes to cry
the bully walks away after she bullied the girl

the bully is now happy about what she did and she feels very powerful.